Bach Tran

Bach Le Tran

(Trần Lê Bách)

Personal Profile

Research Interests

I am currently interested in reinforcement learning and combinatorial optimization problems. I am also working on some classical machine learning and deep learning techniques for time series forecasting.

Previously, I worked on toric varieties, particularly on Eisenbud-Goto-type problems and spent most of my time on finding bounds for the k-normality and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of projective toric varieties. My doctorate supervisor is Milena Hering.

Work Experience

Data Scientist - beGroup JSC

October 2019 - April 2021

Some notable projects:
  • Finding optimal surging factor for the service fares
  • Optimizing order dispatching process
  • Multiple vehicle routing problems
  • Face verification models
  • Data Scientist - Tiki Corporation

    October 2018 - October2019

    Some notable projects:
  • Time series forecasting and warehouse optimization
  • Solving the vehicle routing problem with company's own constraints
  • Tutor - The University of Edinburgh

    September 2014 - May 2018

    I worked as a tutor for some undergraduate courses at the University of Edinburgh during my doctorate study. Some of the courses I tutored are Introduction to Linear Algebra, Calculus and Application, Proof and Problem Solving, Honour Algebra, Introduction to Number Theory.

    Professional Skills

  • Time Series Analysis
  • (Deep) Machine Learning
  • (Deep) Reinforcement Learning
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Other Skills

    • C/C++
    • Python
    • PyTorch, XGBoost, ...
    • Git
    • $\LaTeX$



    Conferences, Seminars and Workshops Attended

    Talks Given

    • A combinatorial bound for $k$-normality of very ample lattice polytopes, Ph.D. Talk

      Interactions with Lattice Polytopes, Magdeburgh, September 2017

    • On $k$-normality and Regularity of Normal Toric Varieties

      Toric Varieties Seminar, Loughborough, November 2017

    • On $k$-normality and Regularity of Normal Toric Varieties

      EDGE Seminar, Edinburgh, December 2017

    • On $k$-normality and Regularity of Normal Toric Varieties

      Osaka, August 2018


    University of Missouri, Columbia - 2010-2012

    Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

    University of Cambridge - 2013-2014

    Master of Advanced Studies (Part III of the Tripod)

    University of Edinburgh - 2014-2018

    Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematics


    I'm quite keen on table tennis and played for the first team of the University of Edinburgh for a few years. I also play classical guitar. Here is a clip of me playing a Vietnamese folk song, arranged for classical guitar by Đặng Ngọc Long

    This awesome template was created and graciously made available by Thomas Hardy.